viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Beautiful or... dead?

Hard, but true. Think about your charming Barbie doll and those fictional curves which defined the model of a beautiful body. Watch the ads on TV, what kind of stereotypes do they show? Could you oultline the parameters of female beauty in the 21st century? Here I give you some hints:

Children are bombed with thousands of images all the time, and they absorb this model of beauty that the industry creates and disseminates. The negative consequences are innumerable: later on, the struggle for a perfect body derives in a series of eating disorders, lack of self-esteem, illnesses, plastic surgeries and the list goes on.
Thus, it is our time to act. We must raise awareness that female beauty does not consist on the 90-60-90 standard. Beauty is much more than that: it involves armony, feminity, and -above all- health. And in nowaday's society, the pressure exerted by media to have a "perfect" body, interferes with health.
Photoshop distorts the reality and imposes a deceiving ideal that we can never reach.
Every women is a treasure. Her weight or the age that she appears to be do not make the difference! 
Time devours beauty and youth, and the only thing left in what is inside your heart! And real beauty cannot be bought.
Life is a precious gift, and each of us were created unique. Do not let TV make you think differently.

5 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with what you say Andre. As you say, today the concept of being beautiful has regressed to the point where being beautiful is equal to being young, skinny, that kind of “standards” that are almost impossible to achieve and maintain. For me there is another kind of beauty in people that attracts me more. This is what is known as inner beauty. People who have this kind of beauty have attained inner peace. They care about others, and try to right the injustices in this world. Two well-known personalities who exemplify this are Nelson Mandela and Mother Theresa. So we should reflect and wonder ourselves, why are we allowing advertisers and mass media to define beauty? Since when did aging become a condition or disease to be treated?

    1. You're right, Flor! And those are perfect examples of inner beauty! Pope John Paul II, Ghandi, Martin Luther King, and so many names that we may not know embellish this world. And this is what we should give importance to. Money, success, beauty, they are all volatile... what remains is our personality, and all the good seeds that we have sowed in this world!

  2. The first time I saw that image I was shocked, mainly because of the violence that it implies. It's so sad to see a little girl trying to literally cut herself in order to look "beautiful" (at least, according to the standards of beauty imposed by the media). And in fact, SHE IS BEAUTIFUL.
    Generally, when we talk about this issue we consider the possible consequences that the imposition of this standard of beauty has on teenagers and women, but we forget that it also affects children. And it’s even worse, because they grow up with this idea in their mind, which may result in terrible consequences when they are older (such as the ones you mentioned).
    I totally agree with your reflection! We have to raise awareness about this and promote the idea that being beautiful doesn’t mean to be extremely thin. Instead, the concept of beauty should be closely connected with health, self-esteem, respect, and acceptance. Also, it’s related with what Florencia said: “inner beauty”, which means being a good person and being in peace with others as well as with ourselves.

  3. Hi Andre and Flor and Dani! hahaha
    This post made me remember of my childhood when come friends used to tell my mum that she had beautiful children but I doubted it. Hence, I asked my mum if she thought I was beautiful. My brother was there doing his homework and my mus said to both of us: THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MATTERS IS TO BE BEAUTIFUL FROM THE INSIDE. I was so mad at her! Because it was like confirming what I believed: that I was not pretty. However, now that Im older I realise the relevance of being, as Dani says, in peace with yourself and the other, the importance of love you and accept you just the way you are. Because... how can you expect others to love you if you dont show love and respect for yourself, right?
    I suggest you to listen to MEGHAN TRAINOR'S song: ALL ABOUT THAT BASS. It goes like this "every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top". LOVE IT! Great post, Andre! ;)

