viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

I'm a nomophobic

 Yes, I have to admit it. I cannot be without my mobile phone, it is like one part of me is missing! Why??

Raise your hand who is capable of leaving his mobile at home and not having a strong desire to come back for it... Who is out of battery one afternoon and does not have the feeling of being untraceable...
If you cannot raise your hand, then, you are one of the thousands of people who suffer Nomophobia. The term derives from the combination "no-mobile-phone phobia" and it consists on the fear of being without your mobile phone, which experts affirm has become the disease of the century.

Obviously, the dependence of the mobile is of particular concern among young people. Having this irrational fear of not carrying the cell phone with one, might be a consequence of the fact that young people are increasingly bored with the usual leisure activities.

According to experts, the fear of being without one's phone can nowadays be diagnosed as a disorder for a large part of the population, and most of people are not aware.

6 signals to detect mobile addiction (1)

  • Change in attitude: when I talk on the phone, I act differently to when I'm face to face, for example, I do not feel so shy. 
  • No separation from the mobile: The mobile is always, all the time with me, during lunch, at school, in the cinema, etc. Also, when I am with friends or family I am all attentive to the mobile. 
  • Changing sleep patterns: sometimes I wake up at night and, besides going to the bathroom, I look to see if a message or call has entered.
  • Nervousness when the phone is not available: I feel nervous or anxious when the phone is not near me or is turned off because I have no battery. 

If you feel identified with most of these behaviours, you should start worrying.

Some suggestions: 
Change radually your relationship with the mobile: Try using it only at certain times of day, turn it off when is not needed, or occasionally leave without taking it with you. All progressively, so that it does not produce cause anxiety and nervousness. 
Ask yourself what image you have of your mobile: Your phone cannot replace a face to face talk or the contemplation of a real landscape... it should be a tool to help you and not a device to control your life. Only if your belief about the mobile is correct, you can be free and start enjoying the people and things around you.


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