domingo, 26 de octubre de 2014


"Money can buy a house, but not a home.
Money can buy a bed, but not sleep.
Money can buy a clock, but not time.
Money can buy a book, but not knowledge.
Money can buy food, but not an appetite.
Money can buy you friends but not Love.
Money can buy position, but not respect.
Money can buy insurance, but not safety.
Money can buy blood, but not life."(anonimous)

Today, earning money is a priority for most of people. This quote shows that money might provide access to material things, however, the intangible things which truly fill our soul, can not be bought. Love, respect, a good relationship with our loved ones; those are things that each of us has to build and maintain. 

The capitalist system blinded world powers which guided by mere ambition trample poor people, setting a social gap almost impossible to shrink. The riches are in the hands of a few wealthy people, while others live in absolutely precarious conditions. 

Most of Modern Organizations or corporations pursue solely economic goals at the expense of environmental, social, or ethical concerns. What's more, the capitalist industry, through its advertising apparatus, generate in the individual the need to buy more stuff, selling the illusion that those material things will fill the void in his life and replace, for example, the lack of time devoted to his family. 
Money is necessary, that is undeniable. It can bring comfort, pleasure and luxury, but the truth is that it does not guarantee true happiness, that happiness which fills our heart and makes us feel plenty. Let's take a moment to reflect upon how much importance do we pay to money in our lives and if that makes us forget the fundamental things. As Antoine de Saint-Exupery expressed, "What is essential is invisible to the eye."

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Andre !
    As you said money is necessary, unfourtunately. It's so sad to see inequality in this world. People struggling to survive, people spending money on wars, people that as you said try to cover that void buying cars and more cars or houses or material things that probably they don't even enjoy because they're trying to make more money. I mean, we humans beings have that institc of collecting things and we want more and more every time, it seems like we could never stop. But, we are rational beings and we have the capacity to decide to stop, to put limits to ourselves in orther to seek for healthier things and a lifestyle that could make us happier.
