viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

Our teenagers' models

Yes, we all had our idols when we were teenagers, Singers, actors, TV characters, sportsmen... You might remember listening to the Backstreet Boys, the Spice girls, Britney Spears (when she wore sportive clothes), Hanson, N'Sync or Madonna, among the most popular ones.
Now, let's have a look at some of the young idols at the present times... We've got, for example, Miley Cirus, who used to be an innocent Disney girl in the series "Hanna Montana". Well, something changed. Really changed. There's nothing left of that naïve girl, and we've met a provocative and rebellious singer instead, who appears naked in her videoclips and consumes drugs in her shows. It´s true, we can do whatever we want as long as it doesn't damage others... But what about giving that public example to millions of children and teenagers all over the world?

Here we have another popular singer who has plenty of teenage followers: Lady Gaga. She's become famous for bizarre live shows and lyrics, as well as hideous outfits, like one made of real meat. Do you think this sets a healthy example to imitate?

And we cannot fail to mention a young boy who has won many female hearts: Justin Bieber. Several scandals have marked his career as a singer, including being arrested for driving drunk and not completing a show because of being too drugged. Here, in Argentina, he kicked a national flag off stage and he also mistaken the name of our country.
All in all, it's high time we talked to our sisters, daughters and young students... we have to reflect upon the kind of models that we see on TV and discuss about the values they teach though their behaviour. 

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Andre! Nice topic to write about. I consider that music or films are excellent way of entertainment and actually, I think that life would be reaaaally boring without music. Besides we tend to admire certain actors or singers because we admire their talents or beauty as well. However, there is a huge difference between admiring someone for their talent and idolizing someone. You can listen to certain artist's songs because you consider that his/her voice is beautiful or because you feel identified with the lyrics; but, in my opinion, we should not idolize them since they are just normal people like us (with a lot of more money hahaha). Hence we should teacher our younger siblings, students or future children to appreciate good art and to admire people for their talents and not to idolize them since they are imperfect humans as we are. NICE POST! ;)

  2. I cannot think of another word to describe them but DISGUSTING.
    They do provoke something on me, and that is pity. Poor people, for money and fame they have become fools. They do stupid things, and with their idea of changing the way the world thinks they are crossing the line.
    And as Maitén says we can like them but never idolize them or even copy what they do, which in the case of teenagers is more difficult as they tend to be like the super stars they love. We have to be careful and protect children and adolescents from this, or at least talking to them and make them reflect on what is good or bad for them.
    Good job Andre, it's a very interesting blog entry!

  3. What an important topic is this! Especially because our children are so exposed to these new "Pop Stars" that we cannot avoid them to feel identified with their figures. They are a new generation of singers who do not spend their times trying to develop their musical talents but to try to provoke the media's reaction. All their artistic careers are based on public scandals and involments in drugs and ilegal events. What is important to say is that our children should bare in mind that they are people just to admire as singers but not a model to follow.
    Interesting post!
