domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

You win some or learn some!

"I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some!"(Jason Mraz)
In life, there are things that you lust for with all your heart, and maybe you don't get those things out of life. But those occasions can always teach you something! Everything happens because of something, and you may not understand the reason immediately, but then you find out why it happened.
Now close your eyes and look back on your past. You've become who you are because of your life experiences, and whenever you made a decision, it resulted in a victory or a learning instance. If you obtained what you were looking forward, that made you happy... and suffering made you stronger! 
Fear to defeat only paralises you. That's why you have to give it a try! And something possitive can result from a negative experience.
You must never give up on the chance that you might win some at some point; giving up also means leading a mediocre life.
The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a GIFT. For that reason we must be the protagonists of our lifes! Don't waste your time complicating things and filling your head with worries and anxieties. Think that some events may appear illogical for us in the moment they happen, but then, everything makes sense...

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you Andre. In life you learn lessons that are very valuable unfortunately most these are learnt in the hardest way. But well…life isn’t meant to be easy, its meant to be lived, sometimes happy, other times rough but you make stronger and thanks to these lessons you build your personality and attitude to the world.

  2. Great comment Flor! I agree with you. Life is constantly teaching us different lessons that help us grow as persons. Really nice post Andrea...

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Good job Andre! Nice reflection!
    Andy and Flor well said. Nobody said life would be easy. We have to deal with it, and live one day at a time. Life can get pretty hard (like the days I'm having right now), there are so many things that we do not comprehend, and it's hard for me to see something good coming out of it, but sometimes we just need time. I always remember something that one of my aunts told me once : "I don't ask myself Why me? but Why not me?". I mean, we all experience good and bad moments, but it depends of how we see them and we should try to take something good and useful from them.

  5. How difficult can be to understand life in this way. In my opinion it is quite as you describe it Andre. But it is also true that the different moments we go through situation in life that push us to believe that sometimes it is hard to continue on. Especially when we want to find out an explanation for something that has happened and we can't do it. Anyway, we MUST FIND OUT A REASON TO KEEP ON LIVING. Despite the hardest times we must continue on living and learning from life experiences taking into account that "no hay mal que dure 100 años". And life always give you a reward back for each difficult moment you go through.
